
“The Australian Alternative Managed Futures Fund….with a difference”

CCM Systematic Macro Plus Fund

The Fund aims to generate long-term uncorrelated returns in excess of the RBA Total Return Index after fees.

You should be a wholesale investor only and read the Funds Information Memorandum (IM) to ensure the key attributes of the Fund aligns with your objectives, financial situation and needs.

Fund Facts

Name of Fund

CCM Systematic Macro Plus Fund (ARSN 657 8583 177)

Investment Manager

Cartwright Capital Management Pty Ltd (ABN 12 660 805 952)


RBA Total Return Index

Investment Objective

The Fund aims to generate long-term uncorrelated returns in excess of the benchmark risk-free rate after fees

Investment Strategy

The Fund primarily invests in highly liquid exchange traded derivative products with a conservative exposure to the ASX200 and S&P500


Portfolio leverage is limited to 4 times the Gross Asset Value of the Fund

Suggested Investment Time-frame

3 - 5 Years

Typical number of Investments held

100 Instruments

Management Costs

1.31% p.a., exclusive of GST

Performance fee

15.00% exclusive of GST, of returns over RBA Cash Total Return Index subject to a high-water mark.

Buy/Sell Spread

Buy 0.10% / Sell 0.10%


Monthly, Completed applications must be received prior to 1pm (Australian EST) on the last Business Day of the month (Valuation Day)


Monthly, Completed applications must be received prior to 1pm (Australian EST) on the last Business Day of the month (Valuation Day)

Unit and Fund Valuations


Minimum Initial Investment


Minimum additional Investment


Minimum Balance


Access to your Investment

Within 10 Business Days from the date you redeem